Cisco IOS Telnet Server and Client

There are two common protocols for remote management to your Cisco IOS router or switch: telnet and SSH.

Telnet is easy to configure but not used often anymore since it is insecure, everything you do is sent in plaintext while SSH uses encryption. However, some older devices might only support telnet, so it’s good to know how to configure it. Besides remote management, the telnet client is also very useful to test access-lists, routing and if certain ports are listening or not.

In this lesson, I’ll show you everything there is to know about telnet.


For this example we will use the following topology:

R1 R2 Gigabit Links

R1 will be our telnet server, R2 will be used as a telnet client.

Telnet Server

Your router or switch will have a certain amount of VTY lines. These are virtual terminal lines that define how many concurrent connections it supports. Let’s take a look:

R1(config)#line vty 0 ?
  <1-924>  Last Line number

This router supports more than 900 VTY lines which is a lot. Some smaller boxes will typically have 4 or 16 VTY lines. Let’s configure only the first five VTY lines:

R1(config)#line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)#transport input ?
  all      All protocols
  lapb-ta  LAPB Terminal Adapter
  lat      DEC LAT protocol
  mop      DEC MOP Remote Console Protocol
  none     No protocols
  pad      X.3 PAD
  rlogin   Unix rlogin protocol
  ssh      TCP/IP SSH protocol
  telnet   TCP/IP Telnet protocol
  udptn    UDPTN async via UDP protocol
  v120     Async over ISDN

This router supports multiple protocols. Above you can see that telnet and SSH are two supported protocols. It is possible to support multiple protocols but let’s configure the router so that it will only support telnet:

R1(config-line)#transport input telnet

The router will now accept telnet connections but without authentication, it’s not going to work. Let’s configure a password:

R1(config-line)#password my_password

The password will be “my_password”. The login command tells the router to check for this password.

Let’s see if it works:

Trying ... Open

User Access Verification


Above you can see that I was able to telnet from R2 to R1. Once you see “open” you know that it has successfully established a TCP connection.

Local Database

Instead of using a single password, it’s also possible to use usernames and passwords that are stored in a local database on the router or switch. Multiple users are able to log in with the same password but it’s easier to see who has accessed your device if you use multiple usernames. Here’s how to do this:

R1(config)#line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)#no password
R1(config-line)#login local

We need to use the login local command to tell the router/switch to use the local database for authentication. Let’s create a user account:

R1(config)#username admin password my_password

We now have an admin user with a password. Let’s test this:

Trying ... Open

User Access Verification

Username: admin

The router now prompts for the username and password.


As I explained before, telnet sends everything in plain text so it is not secure. Let’s take a look at some Wireshark captures of telnet traffic so that you can see this in action. Here is a single telnet packet:

Wireshark Capture Telnet Traffic

Above you can see a telnet packet from the client to our server. You can see telnet uses TCP destination port 23.

If we want to see the username and password in clear text then we have to look at the entire TCP conversation.

In Wireshark, you can do this by going to Analyze > Follow > TCP Stream:

wireshark analyze follow tcp stream

Now you can see everything that has been transmitted between the client and server:

wireshark telnet username password

All client packets are in red, server packets are in blue. Want to try this yourself? You can find the capture files below:

Telnet Traffic

Now you have seen that telnet is insecure but if you still want to use it, it’s probably best to use it with an access-list so that you can at least restrict which devices are allowed to connect to your router or switch. Here’s how to do this:

R1(config)#access-list 1 permit host 

R1(config)#line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)#access-class 1 in 

First we create an access-list that only permits (R2) and then apply it to the VTY lines with the access-class command. Let’s test it:

Trying ... Open

We are still able to connect. Our access-list will show that some packets have matched:

R1#show access-lists 
Standard IP access list 1
    10 permit (2 matches)

That’s all there is to it.

Telnet Client

In the previous example I showed you how you can use the telnet client to connect from R2 to R1 but there’s so much more you can use this client for. Take a look at all its options:

R2#telnet ?
  /debug             Enable telnet debugging mode
  /ipv4              Force use of IP version 4
  /ipv6              Force use of IP version 6
  /line              Enable telnet line mode
  /noecho            Disable local echo
  /quiet             Suppress login/logout messages
  /route:            Enable telnet source route mode
  /source-interface  Specify source interface
  /stream            Enable stream processing
  /terminal-type     Set terminal type
  <0-65535>          Port number
  bgp                Border Gateway Protocol (179)
  chargen            Character generator (19)
  cmd                Remote commands (rcmd, 514)
  daytime            Daytime (13)
  discard            Discard (9)
  domain             Domain Name Service (53)
  drip               Dynamic Routing Information Protocol (3949)
  echo               Echo (7)
  exec               Exec (rsh, 512)
  finger             Finger (79)
  ftp                File Transfer Protocol (21)
  ftp-data           FTP data connections (20)
  gopher             Gopher (70)
  hostname           NIC hostname server (101)
  ident              Ident Protocol (113)
  irc                Internet Relay Chat (194)
  klogin             Kerberos login (543)
  kshell             Kerberos shell (544)
  login              Login (rlogin, 513)
  lpd                Printer service (515)
  nntp               Network News Transport Protocol (119)
  onep-plain         ONEP Cleartext (15001)
  onep-tls           ONEP TLS (15002)
  pim-auto-rp        PIM Auto-RP (496)
  pop2               Post Office Protocol v2 (109)
  pop3               Post Office Protocol v3 (110)
  smtp               Simple Mail Transport Protocol (25)
  sunrpc             Sun Remote Procedure Call (111)
  tacacs             TAC Access Control System (49)
  talk               Talk (517)
  telnet             Telnet (23)
  time               Time (37)
  uucp               Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (540)
  whois              Nicname (43)
  www                World Wide Web (HTTP, 80)

The two most important options are choosing a source interface and selecting a different port number. Using different port numbers is very useful, you can use this to test if certain services are up and running, test if an access-list is working and even if your routing is configured correctly.

Port numbers

Let’s try a simple example. I will have to enable HTTP server on R1:

R1(config)#ip http server

Now we will use telnet to check if the HTTP server is active:

R2#telnet 80
Trying, 80 ... Open

We are now connected. If you know HTML, you can even try to request some pages:

GET / HTTP/1.0 

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 10:31:55 GMT
Server: cisco-IOS
Accept-Ranges: none
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="level_15_access"

401 Unauthorized
[Connection to closed by foreign host]

R1 disconnects me since I am not authorized by the HTTP server but that’s ok, this example proves that the HTTP server is up and running.

Source Interface

We can also use a different source interface for the telnet client. To test this, I’ll have to add another interface and IP address on R2. I’ll create a loopback for this:

R2(config)#int loopback 0
R2(config-if)#ip address

Let’s make sure R1 knows how to reach this loopback interface:

R1(config)#ip route

And a quick ping to verify our work:

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 3/4/5 ms

Great, R1 knows how to reach

Remember that we configured an access-list that only permits to connect to R2? We can verify this by specifying another source interface:

R2#telnet /source-interface loopback 0
Trying ... 
% Connection refused by remote host

We are not allowed to connect because of the access-list on the VTY lines. You can also combine port numbers and a source interface:

R2#telnet 80 /source-interface loopback 0
Trying, 80 ... Open

As you can see, we are allowed to connect to TCP port 80 and using the loopback interface as our source.


Want to take a look for yourself? Here you will find the final configuration of each device.




  • Telnet can be used for remote management to your Cisco IOS router or switch.
  • Telnet sends everything in plain text so it is not secure. It’s better to use SSH instead.
  • If you use telnet, it’s best to use an access-list to restrict what devices are allowed to connect.
  • The telnet client is a great tool to connect to different ports, test access-lists and/or routing.

Forum Replies

  1. Please translate the following sentence:

    “Telnet is niet secure dus liever niet gebruiken…”

  2. Hi Valli,

    Just removed this, this was a bit of my draft (in Dutch :slight_smile:


  3. I think it is better to create the credentials “user and password” before typing the command login local, because in case of problems (if you lose control), the equipment will ask you an account that you have not created yet.
    Am I wright ?

  4. Hello Hugues

    Yes, if you type the command login local and log out without creating any credentials, then you will not be able to log back in.


  5. Hello Mintesinot

    I tried it out myself and I confirm your findings. Unfortunately packet tracer does not include the whole list of available commands that exist on a real IOS device. This is one of those cases where it only includes a subset. However, keep in mind that for the specific exams (ICND1, ICND2, CCNA) the commands included in packet tracer are sufficient for your studies. The source interface command that Rene mentions in the lesson is useful to understand the concepts described, but it will not be necessary for the exams themselves.

    I hope this has been helpful!


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