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  • Maciej Stanecki
    Maciej Stanecki
    Network & Cloud Engineer
    Optimal Learning Balance has the best ratio between explaining the theory and practicing it. The explanations are very comprehensive. The visuals like topology screen shots and CLI outputs are top-notch as well.

  • Mustain Abdilah
    Mustain Abdilah
    Network Engineer
    I Feel More Confident

    Best explanation; easy to understand, even for those new to network technology. Since taking the courses and lessons from, I feel more confident with my knowledge and skills. Thank you!

  • Steven Nelson
    Steven Nelson
    Consulting engineer
    Excellent for CCIE Prep

    I enjoy the fact that the explanations are not read like a textbook, but rather personable. I also appreciate that almost every session has topologies and configurations. The fact that the material allows me to study for my CCIE is baffling. I love every bit of material here. The detail and depth of knowledge available with a simple search are amazing. The ability for the community to submit topics and ask questions is another great feature.

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