Bandwidth vs Bandwidth Remaining

When configuring Low Latency Queuing (LLQ), we can configure a minimum bandwidth or minimum remaining bandwidth. In this lesson, I’ll explain the difference between the two and we’ll verify this on a network.


When you configure bandwidth, you specify a percentage of the total interface bandwidth. For example, let’s say we have a 100 Mbit interface and four queues:

  • Priority queue:
        • Q1: 20%
  • CBWFQ queues:
    • Q2: 10%
    • Q3: 20%
    • Q4: 30%

Your CBWFQ queues will have a percentage of the total interface bandwidth so the queues will have these minimum bandwidth guarantees:

  • Q2: 10% of 100 Mbit = 10 Mbit
  • Q3: 20% of 100 Mbit = 20 Mbit
  • Q4: 30% of 100 Mbit = 30 Mbit

Here’s a visualization:

Cisco Qos Llq Bandwidth Percent

Bandwidth Remaining

Bandwidth remaining is a relative percentage of the remaining bandwidth. What that means, is the bandwidth available after the priority queue (and RSVP reservations).

Let’s use the same example of a 100 Mbit interface and four queues:

  • Priority queue:
    • Q1 20%
  • CBWFQ queues:
    • Q2: 10%
    • Q3: 20%
    • Q4: 30%

The priority queue gets 20 Mbps. That means the available bandwidth is 100 Mbps – 20 Mbps = 80 Mbps. The other queues get a minimum bandwidth of:

  • AF11: 10% of 80 Mbps = 8 Mbps
  • AF21: 20% of 80 Mbps =  16 Mbps
  • AF31: 30% of 80 Mbps =  24 Mbps

Here’s how to visualize this:

Cisco Qos Llq Bandwidth Percent Remaining

Now you know the difference between bandwidth and bandwidth remaining. Let’s look at it in action.


Below is the topology we’ll use:

H1 H2 Sw1 Sw2 Policy Map

We have two Linux hosts which I’ll use to generate traffic with iPerf:

  • H1 is the iPerf client.
  • H2 is the iPerf server.

I use WS-C3850-48T switches running Cisco IOS Software [Denali], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.3.3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3).

The hosts are connected with Gigabit Interfaces. I reduced the bandwidth of the Gi1/0/48 interfaces between SW1 and SW2 to 100 Mbps with the speed 100 command. This makes it easy to congest the connection between SW1 and SW2.

Startup Configurations

Want to take a look for yourself? Here you will find the startup configuration of each device.


hostname SW1
class-map match-any EF
 match dscp ef 
class-map match-any AF21
 match dscp af21 
class-map match-any AF31
 match dscp af31 
class-map match-any AF11
 match dscp af11 
policy-map BANDWIDTH
 class EF
  priority level 1
  police rate percent 20
 class AF11
  bandwidth percent 10 
 class AF21
  bandwidth percent 20 
 class AF31
  bandwidth percent 30 
 class EF
  priority level 1
  police rate percent 20
 class AF11
  bandwidth remaining percent 10 
 class AF21
  bandwidth remaining percent 20 
 class AF31
  bandwidth remaining percent 30 
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/27
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48
 service-policy output BANDWIDTH-REMAINING


hostname SW2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/27
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48

There are four simple class-maps. Each class-map matches a different DSCP value:

SW1#show running-config class-map 
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 217 bytes
class-map match-any EF
 match dscp ef 
class-map match-any AF21
 match dscp af21 
class-map match-any AF31
 match dscp af31 
class-map match-any AF11
 match dscp af11 

Let’s configure H2 as the iPerf server:

$ iperf -s
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  128 KByte (default)
[  4] local port 5001 connected with port 48824


Let’s start with the bandwidth command. I’ll start four traffic streams:

iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0xB8
iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0x28
iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0x48
iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0x68

Let me explain what you see above:

  • Each stream sends 50,000 kb/s of traffic.
  • We show a periodic bandwidth report every second.
  • Each traffic stream runs for 3600 seconds.
  • We use different DSCP ToS hexadecimal values:
    • B8: DSCP EF
    • 28: DSCP AF11
    • 48: DSCP AF21
    • 68: DSCP AF31

Here is the policy-map that we’ll use:

SW1#show running-config policy-map BANDWIDTH
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 193 bytes
policy-map BANDWIDTH
 class EF
  priority level 1
  police rate percent 20
 class AF11
  bandwidth percent 10 
 class AF21
  bandwidth percent 20 
 class AF31
  bandwidth percent 30 

Let me explain what we have:

  • DSCP EF: priority queue, policed to 20% of the interface bandwidth.
  • DSCP AF11: bandwidth guarantee of 10% of the interface bandwidth.
  • DSCP AF21: bandwidth guarantee of 20% of the interface bandwidth.
  • DSCP AF31: bandwidth guarantee of 30% of the interface bandwidth.

Let’s activate this policy-map on the interface that connects SW1 to SW2:

SW1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/48
SW1(config-if)#service-policy output BANDWIDTH

Here is the output of the policy-map:

SW1#show policy-map interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/48

  Service-policy output: BANDWIDTH

    queue stats for all priority classes:
      priority level 1
      (total drops) 138138
      (bytes output) 535149124

    Class-map: EF (match-any)  
      341339 packets
      Match:  dscp ef (46)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      Priority: Strict, 
      Priority Level: 1 
          rate 20 %
          rate 20000000 bps, burst 625000 bytes
        conformed 438874960 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 79292730 bytes; actions:
        conformed 8988000 bps, exceeded 1683000 bps

    Class-map: AF11 (match-any)  
      193351 packets
      Match:  dscp af11 (10)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      (total drops) 1103586
      (bytes output) 305359154
      bandwidth 10% (10000 kbps)

    Class-map: AF21 (match-any)  
      263653 packets
      Match:  dscp af21 (18)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      (total drops) 1630332
      (bytes output) 419059354
      bandwidth 20% (20000 kbps)

    Class-map: AF31 (match-any)  
      334765 packets
      Match:  dscp af31 (26)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      (total drops) 2023494
      (bytes output) 533413204
      bandwidth 30% (30000 kbps)

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)  
      86 packets
      Match: any 
      (total drops) 0
      (bytes output) 512

We can see that each class is receiving packets In iPerf, I see these traffic rates:

  • EF:  19.9 Mbits/sec
  • AF11: 15.7 Mbits/sec
  • AF21: 25.2 Mbits/sec
  • AF31: 33.6 Mbits/sec

The bandwidth percent command is an absolute percentage of the interface bandwidth (100 Mbps).  Our DSCP EF traffic is policed at 20% (20 Mbps) so the interface has 80% (80 Mbps) remaining bandwidth. Here are our current bandwidth guarantees:

  • AF11: 10% of 100 Mbps = 10 Mbps.
  • AF21: 20% of 100 Mbps = 20 Mbps.
  • AF31: 30% of 100 Mbps = 30 Mbps.

At this moment, we only have traffic marked with DSCP EF, AF11, AF21, and AF31. There are hardly any packets that end up in the class-default class. Our available bandwidth (80 Mbps) is higher than our bandwidth guarantees (10 + 20 + 30 = 70 Mbps) which is why you see these higher iPerf traffic rates.

If I generate some packets that don’t match any of my class-maps, they’ll end up in class-default and my non-priority queues will be limited to what I set with the bandwidth percent command.

I’ll start one more iPerf session without specifying a ToS byte:

iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600

This traffic hits our class-default class:

SW1# show policy-map interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/48 output class class-default

  Service-policy output: BANDWIDTH

    queue stats for all priority classes:
      priority level 1
      (total drops) 138138
      (bytes output) 3041649934

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)  
      42663 packets
      Match: any 
      (total drops) 218592
      (bytes output) 68535416

Here are the iPerf traffic rates that I see:

  • EF:  19.9 Mbits/sec
  • AF11: 15.7 Mbits/sec
  • AF21: 23.1 Mbits/sec
  • AF31: 31.5 Mbits/sec
  • Class-default: 6.29 Mbits/sec

With the unmarked class-default traffic competing for our bandwidth, we see that the traffic rates for our AF11, AF21, and AF31 queues now look closer to our configured bandwidth guarantees.

Bandwidth Remaining

Now let’s try the bandwidth remaining command.

I’ll use the same four iPerf traffic streams to start with:

iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0xB8
iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0x28
iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0x48
iperf -c -b 50000K -i 1 -t 3600 -S 0x68

Here is the policy-map:

SW1#show running policy-map BANDWIDTH-REMAINING
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 233 bytes
 class EF
  priority level 1
  police rate percent 20
 class AF11
  bandwidth remaining percent 10 
 class AF21
  bandwidth remaining percent 20 
 class AF31
  bandwidth remaining percent 30 

The policy-map is exactly the same, except this time we used the bandwidth remaining command.

SW1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/48
SW1(config-if)#no service-policy output BANDWIDTH
SW1(config-if)#service-policy output BANDWIDTH-REMAINING

Let’s look at the policy-map in action: STAKE

SW1# show policy-map interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/48

  Service-policy output: BANDWIDTH-REMAINING

    queue stats for all priority classes:
      priority level 1
      (total drops) 57684
      (bytes output) 906260928

    Class-map: EF (match-any)  
      587434 packets
      Match:  dscp ef (46)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      Priority: Strict, 
      Priority Level: 1 
          rate 20 %
          rate 20000000 bps, burst 625000 bytes
        conformed 739695594 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 152047434 bytes; actions:
        conformed 12374000 bps, exceeded 2559000 bps

    Class-map: AF11 (match-any)  
      317405 packets
      Match:  dscp af11 (10)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      (total drops) 2018940
      (bytes output) 489773592
      bandwidth remaining 10%

    Class-map: AF21 (match-any)  
      634930 packets
      Match:  dscp af21 (18)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      (total drops) 3896706
      (bytes output) 979542630
      bandwidth remaining 20%

    Class-map: AF31 (match-any)  
      961975 packets
      Match:  dscp af31 (26)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      (total drops) 5316036
      (bytes output) 1484056002
      bandwidth remaining 30%

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)  
      66 packets
      Match: any 
      (total drops) 0
      (bytes output) 704

In the output above, we see that each class receives packets. Here are the iPerf traffic rates that I see:

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Forum Replies

  1. Hello Sandeep

    Remember, that these values are referring to bandwidth guarantees that exist during congestion. In other words, this is reserved bandwidth for that particular type of traffic.

    Now if there is no AF11, AF21, and AF31 traffic at a particular time, then all other configured traffic types (EF and class-default) will share the full bandwidth of the interface as needed. But such traffic will be served in a best-effort manner, no guaranteed bandwidth is provided beyond what has been configured.

    So if you were to examine the results of such a situation

    ... Continue reading in our forum

  2. Hi,
    First at all, thank you with the great work you’re doing with NetworkLessons. After reading this lessons I have one doubt. If I understood it correctly from the “Introduction to Qos” lesson, QoS can only be applied to trunks interfaces or to routed interfaces according to the folowing words from Lazaros in that section’s forum:

    “QoS functions at Layer 3 and Layer 2. Layer 3 QoS will operate when routing packets, as the QoS information is found within the header of the IP packet. At layer 2, QoS information is found within the 802.1Q tag, or the VLAN tag. Th

    ... Continue reading in our forum

  3. Hello José

    Yes, I see the confusion. Let me clarify my statement. QoS mechanisms that use DSCP and CoS values to make their decisions require that the DSCP and CoS information exists. For Layer 2 QoS, only tagged frames can participate in QoS because the CoS value exists within the tag. Therefore, only trunk ports (which

    ... Continue reading in our forum

  4. First policy-map Bandwidth , class EF drops almost 138,138 pckts,
    Second policy-map Bandwidth-Remaining, the same class drops almost 57,684 pckts.
    Shouldn’t these be almost the same since it is at 20% police of the bandwidth?

  5. Hello Konstantinos

    The value of the number of drops shown is the total number of drops that have taken place at the time of the issue of the command. If you wait longer and reissue the command, the number will increase. So the value that you see for the first policy map and the second policy map are simply numbers that have accumulated when the command was issued. They have no correlation to the actual percentage of dropped packets and cannot simply be compared.

    I hope this has been helpful!


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