Lesson Contents
In a nutshell, a module is a file with Python code. Instead of having a single Python file that includes all your code, you can use multiple files.
This allows you to organize your code in multiple files, making it easier to reuse and manage your code.
Create and Import Module
To create a new module, we save some Python code in a separate file. We can then import this code from another Python file. Let me show you an example:
In the trinket above, we have two files (see the tab above the code screen). The “main.py” file is our main program and “connect_to_device.py” contains a function that prints a message. We import this file without the .py file extension with the import
parameter from the “main.py” file.
Import Module As
Optionally, you can import a module with a different name. Here’s how:
The code above imports the module “connect_to_device” as “ctd”. When you create your own modules, you can decide on the filename. When you import external modules, sometimes it can be useful to rename them to something more meaningful or shorter than the default name.
Variables in Module
Besides functions, we can also import variables from a module. Here is an example:
Import From Module
We don’t have to import the entire module. It’s also possible to import a single function or variable. You use the from
parameter to specify the module and the import
parameter to specify what you want to import. For example, here’s how to import only the “disconnection_message” function from our “connect_to_device.py” file:
When you import something this way, you don’t have to specify the module name anymore in your code.
Built-In Modules
In the example above, we created our own modules. We don’t have to build everything from scratch though. Python has many built-in modules we can use. With the help
function, we can get an overview:
>>> help('modules')
Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
__future__ brain_namedtuple_enum hjson redirector
__main__ brain_nose hmac replace
_abc brain_numpy_core_fromnumeric html reprlib
_ast brain_numpy_core_function_base html2text requestlogger
_asyncio brain_numpy_core_multiarray http requests
_bisect brain_numpy_core_numeric httplib2 requests_oauthlib
_blake2 brain_numpy_core_numerictypes hyperparser rlcompleter
_bootlocale brain_numpy_core_umath idle rpc
_bz2 brain_numpy_ndarray idle_test rsa
_cffi_backend brain_numpy_random_mtrand idlelib rstrip
_codecs brain_numpy_utils idna run
_codecs_cn brain_pkg_resources imaplib runpy
_codecs_hk brain_pytest imghdr runscript
_codecs_iso2022 brain_qt imp s3transfer
_codecs_jp brain_random importlib samtranslator
_codecs_kr brain_re inspect sceptre
_codecs_tw brain_six io sched
_collections brain_ssl iomenu scrolledlist
_collections_abc brain_subprocess iosxr_grpc search
_compat_pickle brain_threading ipaddress searchbase
_compression brain_typing isort searchengine
_contextvars brain_uuid itertools secrets
_csv browser jinja2 select
_ctypes builtins jmespath selectors
_ctypes_test bz2 jrnl selectors2
_datetime cProfile json selenium
_decimal cachetools jsonpatch serial
_distutils_findvs calendar jsonpointer setuptools
_dummy_thread calltip jsonschema shelve
_elementtree calltip_w jwt shlex
_functools certifi kappa shutil
_hashlib cffi keyring signal
_heapq cfn_clean keyword simplejson
_imp cfn_flip lambda_packages site
_io cfn_tools lazy_object_proxy six
_json cfnlint lib2to3 slugify
_locale cgi libfuturize smtpd
_lsprof cgitb libpasteurize smtplib
[output omitted]
This is a huge list and I didn’t include everything. We can see some interesting modules though. The “JSON” module lets us use JSON in Python. With the “smtplib” module, we can send email through SMTP servers. There’s even the “iosxr_grpc” module which lets us communicate with Cisco IOS-XR routers through GRPC.
Suppose I want to calculate Pi. I could create my own function, but instead, it’s easier to use the built-in “math” module:
This gets the job done with only two lines of code.
Dir() Function
How do you know what a module offers? We can use the dir
function to find out. For example, I can use it to check my “connect_to_device” module:
Or to check the “math” module:
Although this works, I have to say I never use this. If you have Internet access, it’s probably easier just to look up online what the module provides.
You have now learned what Python modules are:
- A module is a file with Python code that you import into your own code.
- Modules help to reuse code and build scalable programs.
- You import a module with the
parameter and the module name (file name without the .py extension). - You can import a module with a different name using the
parameter. - Instead of importing the entire module, you can also import specific items with the
parameter. - Python also has many built-in modules that you can use. You can see them with the
function. - The
function lets you see what a module has to offer.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson. If you have any questions please leave a comment.