Python Assignment Operators

Python assignment operators are one of the operator types and assign values to variables. We use arithmetic operators here in combination with a variable.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Operator Assignment (=)

This is the most basic assignment operator and we used it before in the lessons about lists, tuples, and dictionaries.  For example, we can assign a value (integer) to a variable:

Operator Addition (+=)

We can add a number to our variable like this:

Using the above operator is the same as doing this:

The += operator is shorter to write but the end result is the same.

Operator Subtraction (-=)

We can also subtract a value. For example:

Using this operator is the same as doing this:

Operator Multiplication (*=)

We can also use multiplication. We’ll multiply our variable by 4:

Which is similar to:

Operator Division (/=)

Let’s try the divide operator:

This is the same as:

Operator Modulus (%=)

We can also calculate the modulus. How about this:

This is the same as doing it like this:

Operator Exponentiation (**=)

How about exponentiation? Let’s give it a try:

Which is the same as doing it like this:

Operator Floor Division (//=)

The last one, floor division:

This is the same as:


You have now learned how to use the Python assignment operators to assign values to variables and how you can use them with arithmetic operators. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

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