Troubleshooting IPv6 RIPNG

IPv6 RIPNG Two Routers

In the picture above we have 2 routers, each router has a loopback interface and IPv6 addresses have been configured on the loopback0 interfaces. RIPNG has been configured and we should have connectivity between the two loopback0 interfaces. Unfortunately R1 is not learning about network 2002::2/128. Let’s find out why!

R1#show ipv6 route rip
IPv6 Routing Table - 5 entries
Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP
       U - Per-user Static route
       I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea, IS - ISIS summary
       O - OSPF intra, OI - OSPF inter, OE1 - OSPF ext 1, OE2 - OSPF ext 2
       ON1 - OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPF NSSA ext 2

R1 hasn’t learned any RIPNG routes. What about R2?

R2#show ipv6 route rip
IPv6 Routing Table - 6 entries
Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP
       U - Per-user Static route
       I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea, IS - ISIS summary
       O - OSPF intra, OI - OSPF inter, OE1 - OSPF ext 1, OE2 - OSPF ext 2
       ON1 - OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPF NSSA ext 2
R   1001::1/128 [120/2]
     via FE80::CE00:4DFF:FE47:0, FastEthernet0/0

R2 has learned about the loopback0 interface behind R1. Let’s see if all interfaces are up and running and configured for IPv6:

R1#show ipv6 interface brief
FastEthernet0/0            [up/up]
Loopback0                  [up/up]
R2#show ipv6 interface brief
FastEthernet0/0            [up/up]
Loopback0                  [up/up]

All interfaces are configured for IPv6 and up and running, there are no issues here. Let’s check if RIPNG is enabled on all interfaces:

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